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15 июня 2012 года в 09:17 | 4994 просмотра | 0 комментариев

S.H.E [Дискография]

11.09.2001 - Girl's Dorm (128 kbps) (Скачать)
S.H.E1. Not Lovers (戀人未滿)
2. Beauty Up My Life
3. Fridge (冰箱)
4. HBO
5. Too Much
6. Are You All Right(你還好不好)
7. Someone Loves You Instead of Me (替我愛你)
8. He is Him (他就是他)
9. Don't (別)
10. Forgotten to Forget about You (忘記把你忘記)
29.01.2002 - Youth Society (160 kbps) (Скачать)
S.H.E1. "Remember"
2. "Belief"
3. "Message of Blessedness" (幸福留言)
4. "Give Me More" (給我多一點)
5. "Tropical Rain Forest" (熱帶雨林)
6. "Remember to Forget" (記得要忘記)
7. "Scarf" (圍巾)
8. "Requirement of Loving Me" (愛我的資格)
9. "Hypnotism" (催眠術)
10. "I've Never Been to Me" (entirely in English)
5.08.2003 - Genesis (128 kbps) (Скачать)
S.H.E1. "Beautiful New World" (美麗新世界)
2. "Where's Love" (愛呢)
3. "Watch Me Shine"
4. "If You're Happy, Then I'll Be Pleased" (你快樂我隨意)
5. "Ocean of Love" (愛情的海洋)
6. "Irreplaceable" (無可取代)
7. "Yes I Love You"
8. "Nothing Ever Changes"
9. "Woman In Love"
10. "Fascination" (魔力)
22.08.2003 - Super Star (320 kbps) (Скачать)
S.H.E1. Super Star
2. Far Away (遠方)
3. Norse Mythology (北歐神話)
4. Half-Sugarism (半糖主義)
5. River Shore Park (河濱公園)
6. I.O.I.O
7. Yearning For Each Other Muchly (長相思)
8. Heavy Rain (落大雨)
9. Smile of Summer (夏天的微笑)
10. You're too Honest (你太誠實)
06.02.2004 - Magical Journey (192 kbps) (Скачать)
S.H.E1. "Persian Cat" (波斯貓, Bo Si Mao)
2. "Ten-Sided Ambush" (十面埋伏, Shi Mian Mai Fu)
3. "He Still Can't Understand" (他還是不懂, Ta Hai Shi Bu Dong)
4. "Only Lonely"
5. "Can't Find it" (找不到, Zhao Bu Dao)
6. "Five Days and Four Nights" (五天四夜, Wu Tian Si Ye)
7. "A Safe Sense" (安全感, An Quan Gan)
8. "Never mind"
9. "Story of Romeo and Juliet" (茱羅記, Zhu Luo Ji)
10. "The Journey of Us From the Beginning" (一起開始的旅程, Yi Qi Kai Shi De Lu Cheng)
12.11.2004 - Encore (320 kbps) (Скачать)
S.H.E1. "Migratory Bird" (候鳥)
2. "Piquancy" (痛快)
3. "Don't Say Sorry" (別說對不起)
4. "I Love You" (我愛你)
5. "Matador's Song" (鬥牛士之歌)
6. "Just Fit" (對號入座)
7. "Protection Such As Golden Shield Plus Iron Cloth" (金鐘罩鐵布衫)
8. "Female Androcentrism" (大女人主義)
9. "Absent" (不在場) - 4:32
10. "Keep Smiling" (保持微笑)
25.11.2005 - Once Upon A Time (256 kbps) (Скачать)
S.H.E1. Don't Wanna Grow Up (不想長大)
2. Super Model
3. Not Gonna Be Your Friend (不作你的朋友)
4. Grey Sky (天灰)
5. Laurel Tree Goddess - Daphne (月桂女神)
6. Oasis (綠洲)
7. Thank You for Letting Me Love You (謝謝你讓我愛過你)
8. Good People Will Rewarded in Kind (好人有好抱)
9. Sharpshooter (神槍手)
10. Fires of Heaven (星星之火)
11.05.2007 - Play (320 kbps) (Скачать)
S.H.E1. Chinese Language (中國話)
2. Thanks for Your Gentleness (feat. Fahrenheit) (謝謝你的溫柔)
3. Listen to Yuan Wei-jen Play Guitar (聽袁惟仁彈吉他)
4. May Day (五月天)
5. Excuses (藉口)
6. Boom
7. See You, Cambridge (再別康橋)
8. London Bridge Is Falling Down (倫敦大橋垮下來)
9. Say You Love Me (說你愛我)
10. Good Mood - Just Be Yourself (好心情Just be yourself)
11. Wifey (老婆)
23.09.2008 - FM S.H.E. (320 kbps) (Скачать)
S.H.E1. Hello Morning - 早安您好
2. I Love Trouble - 我愛煩惱
3. Miss Universe - 宇宙小姐
4. Coastal Highway Exit - 沿海公路的出口
5. The Day's Broken - 天亮了
6. Worst Than You - 比你賤 (featuring 周定伟)
7. Mrs Hebe's Time - 喜碧夫人時間
8. When The Girl Strives to be Independent - 女孩當自強
9. It's Quiet - 安靜了
10. I'm Martian - 我是火星人
11. Planet 612 - 612星球
12. Waiter - 店小二
13. Overnight DJ - 熬夜DJ
14. Moonlight Holograph - 月光手札
15. Sweet and Sour - 酸甜 (S.H.E and Fahrenheit)
При предзаказе к альбому прикладывался еще и отдельный сингл. Причем было две версии с разными синглами.
1. CJ7 - Mandarin ver.
2. CJ7 - Cantonese ver.
01. The radio theme song
02. The radio call sign (strike worry version)
03. The radio call sign (minshuku at seaside version)
04. The radio call sign (walk in sky version)
05. The radio call sign (lazybones version)
26.03.2010 - SHERO (320 kbps) (Скачать)
S.H.E1. SHERO 3:12
2. If You Were A Girl 3:36
3. I Love Rainy Night Flowers 4:04
4. Two Persons' Desert Island 4:05
5. One Less Person 4:40
6. Take Me Away 3:51
7. Possibility 4:17
8. Loving You 4:01
9. You Won't Be 4:19
10. Love's Right 4:10
23.01.2003 - Together (128 kbps) (Скачать)
S.H.EВ него вошли песни 2001-2003 годов.
1. Always on My Mind
2. White Love Song (白色戀歌)
3. When the Angels Sing (天使在唱歌)
4. I Have a Date with Blessedness (我和幸福有約定)
5. Beauty up My Life
6. Not Yet Lovers (戀人未滿)
7. Genesis (美麗新世界)
8. Tropical Rain Forest (熱帶雨林)
9. Remember
10. Where's Love (愛呢)
11. Belief
12. Watch Me Shine
13. Fridge (冰箱)
14. Are You All Right (你還好不好)
15. Ocean of Love (愛情的海洋)
16. Requirement of Loving Me (愛我的資格)
21.07.2006 - Forever (128 kbps) (Скачать)
S.H.EВ него вошли песни 2004-2006
1. Electric Shock (觸電)
2. Ring Ring Ring
3. What has happened to us (我們怎麼了)
4. Wisteria (紫藤花)
5. Goodbye My Love
6. Super Star
7. Gray Sky(天灰)
8. Solo Madrigal - Selina's duet with Tank (獨唱情歌)
9. Flowers Have Blossomed (花都開好了)
10. I.O.I.O
11. Migratory Bird (候鳥)
12. Don't Wanna Grow Up (不想長大)
13. Persian Cat (波斯貓)
14. He Still Doesn't Understand (他還是不懂)
15. Starlight (星光)
16. A Vision Of Eternity (一眼萬年)
17. Laurel Tree Goddess-Daphne (月桂女神)
18. Piquancy (痛快)
22.06.2009 - Цифровой альбом Map of Love (192-320 kbps) (Скачать)
S.H.E1. 鎖住時間 (新歌) [Lock The Time (New Song)] - 4:12
2. 可愛萬歲 (新歌) [Long Live Adorableness (New Song)] - 3:43
3. 魔力 (Magic) - 4:42
4. 無可取代 (Irreplaceable) - 4:50
5. 我愛你 (I Love You) - 3:51
6. 綠洲 (Oasis) - 4:30
7. YES I LOVE YOU - 4:51
8. 愛來過 (Love Came Before) - 4:18
9. 夏天的微笑 (The Smile Of Summer) - 4:50
10. 金鐘罩鐵布衫 (Golden Mask, Iron Gown) - 4:05
14.01.2004 - Fantasy Land Tour 2004 in Taipei (224 kbps) (Скачать)
01. "The Winds of Arabia" Opening (中東風情 Opening)
02. "Persian Cat" (波斯貓)
03. "I.O.I.O."
04. Talking I
05. "Faraway" (遠方)
06. "Tropical Rainforest" (熱帶雨林)
07. Talking II
08. "Watch Me Shine"
09. "If You're Happy, Then I'll Be Pleased" (你快樂我隨意)
10. "Give Me More" (給我多一點)
11. "Love South of the River" Intro (江南情懷 Intro)
12. "Ocean of Love" (愛情的海洋)
13. "Belief"
14. "Longing for Each Other" (長相思)
15. "Ten-Sided Ambush" (十面埋伏)
16. Talking III
17. "He Still Doesn't Understand" (他還是不懂)
18. "Where's Love" (愛呢)
19. Talking IV
20. "Heavy Rain" (落大雨)

CD 2
01. "Swan Lake" Intro (天鵝湖 Intro)
02. "Remember"
03. "天使在唱歌"
04. Talking V
05. "Only Lonely"
06. "A Safe Sense" (安全感)
07. "Half-Sugarism" (半糖主義)
08. Talking VI
09. "Yes I Love You"
10. "Flowers Have Blossomed" 花都開好了
11. "Genesis" Intro (美麗新世界 Intro)
12. "Genesis" (美麗新世界)
13. "Beauty Up My Life"
14. Talking VII
15. "Wherever Dreams Are, There Friends Will Be" (有夢有朋友)[1]
16. "Celebration" (分享)[1]
17. "Must Make Friends Again Tomorrow" (明天也要作伴)[2]
18. Talking VIII
19. "Fascination" (魔力)
20. "Always On My Mind"
21. Encore
22. "Super Star"
23. Talking IX
24. "Not Yet Lovers" (戀人未滿)
25. Ending
22.12.2006 - Perfect 3 World Tour Live @ Hong Kong (190 kbps) (Скачать)
01. Intro + "Not Yet Lovers" (Intro+戀人未滿)
02. "Don't Wanna Grow Up" (不想長大)
03. "Remember"
04. "Star Light" (星光)
05. Ella's Drum March (Ella的娃娃兵進行曲)
06. "Where's Love" (愛呢)
07. "Grizzling Sky" (天灰)
08. "Not To Be Your Friend" (不作你的朋友)
09. Selina Solo Dancing Show
10. "Just Fit" (對號入座)
11. "Super Model"
12. Talking I
13. "Belief"
14. "Flowers Have Blossomed" (花都開好了)
15. Tank - "Love Among Three Nations" (三國戀)
16. Selina & Tank - "Solo Madrigal" (獨唱情歌)
17. "Ambush From Sides to Sides" (十面埋伏)
18. "Piquancy" (痛快)

CD 2
01. Talking II
02. Selina - "Still Lonely" (還是會寂寞)
03. Hebe - "She's The One"
04. Ella - "Cloudy Day" (陰天)
05. "Lovers" (情人)
06. Talking III
07. "White Love Song" (白色戀歌)
08. "Don't Say Sorry" (別說對不起)
09. Ella - "Love is Simple" (愛很簡單)
10. "Migratory Bird" (候鳥)
11. "Persian Cat" (波斯貓)
12. "Ring Ring Ring"
13. "Genesis" (美麗新世界)
14. Talking IV
15. "Fascination" (Fan Version) (魔力-歌迷版)
16. "Faraway" (遠方)
17. "I Love You" (我愛你)
18. Hebe Drum Solo
19. "Super Star"
20. Ending

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