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8 июня 2015 года в 11:09 | 4279 просмотров | 2 комментария

Ан Сон Ки / Ahn Sung Ki [Биография]

Ан Сон Ки - южнокорейский актер. Родился 1 января 1952 года в Тэгу, Южная Корея. Окончил Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Свою карьеру начал в 1957 году в качестве актера-ребенка. На сегодняшний день на его счету свыше 100 работ, вышедших на большие экраны.
- Благодаря знанию нескольких иностранных языков, UNICEF часто выбирает его в качестве представителя своей организации, а его лицо уже не раз появлялось в рекламе корейских туристических компаний.
- Актеру дважды удавалось исполнить роль Президента Южной Кореи в фильмах "The Romantic President" (2002) и "Hanbando" (2006).
- Отправился на службу в армию сразу после окончания университета в 1974 году.
- 23 июня 2012 года Ан наравне с Ли Бён Хоном (Lee Byung Hun) вошел в число первых корейских актеров, оставивших свои отпечатки рук и ног на привокзальной площади Grauman's Chinese Theatre в Голливуде, Лос-Анджелес.


Ahn Sung KiTrot (2014)
Revivre (2014)
Tabloid Truth / Опасные слухи (2014)
The Divine Move / Божий трюк (2014)
The Last Knights (2013)
Top Star / Суперзвезда (2013)
Rough Play / Грубая игра (2013)
Jury (2013)
The Tower / Башня (2012)
Ari Ari the Korean Cinema (2012)
Superstar (2012, cameo)
Pacemaker / Пейсмейкер (2012)
Unbowed (2012)
Sector 7 / Сектор 7 (2011)
Song of Dreams (2011)
The Fair Love (2010)Ahn Sung Ki
The Divine Weapon / Божественное оружие (2008)
My New Partner (2008)
May 18 (2007)
Battle of Wits / Битва умов (2006)
Radio Star (2006)
Hanbando (2006)
The Bad Utterances (2006)
Duelist / Дуэлянт (2005)
Arahan / Арахан (2004)
Silmido / Сильмидо (2003)
The Romantic President / Романтичный Президент (2002)
Painted Fire / Штрихи огня (2002)
My Beautiful Girl, Mari (2002)
The Last Witness (2001)
Musa / Воин (2001)
Kilimanjaro (2000)
Truth Game (2000)
Black Hole (2000)
Nowhere to Hide (1999)
Art Museum by the Zoo (1998)
Spring in My Hometown (1998)
Soul Guardians (1998)
Bedroom and Courtroom (1998)
Taekwondo (1998)
The Adventures of Mrs Park (1996)
Festival (1996)
Sleeping Man (1996)
The Hair Dresser (1995)
Malmijal (1995)
Declaration of Genius (1995)
Mom, the Star, and the Sea Anemone (1995)
Bitter and Sweet (1995)
The Eternal Empire (1995)
Taebak Mountains (1994)
To the Starry Island (1993)
Two Cops (1993)
The Blue in You (1992)
Stairway of Heaven (1992)
White Badge (1992)
Teenage Love Song (1991)
Berlin Report (1991)
Who Saw the Dragon's Claws? (1991)
The Dream (1990)
The South Korean Army (1990)
Gagman (1989)
Chilsu and Mansu (1988)
The Age of Success (1988)
Hello, God (1987)
Our Sweet Days of Youth (1987)
Moonlight Hunter (1987)
Hwang Jin-yi (1986)
Eunuch (1986)
Lee Chang-ho's Baseball Team (1986)
Winter Wanderer (1986)
Whale Hunter 2 (1985)
Er woo-dong (1985)
A Deep, Deep Place (1985)
The Deep Blue Night (1985)
Between the Knees (1984)
The Year Winter Was Warm (1984)
Whale Hunter (1984)
Flower on the Equator (1983)
The Iron Men (1983)
Lie Down Like Grass (1983)
Village in the Mist (1983)
The Polluted One (1982)
People of the Slum (1982)
A Ball Shot by a Midget (1981)
A Buddhist Ascetic Mandara (1981)
People of Dark Streets (1981)
A Windy, But Pleasant Day (1980)
College Love (1980)
The Third Mission (1979)
Night Market (1979)
The Soldier and the Young Ladies (1977)
The White Crow (1967)
The Apron (1964)
Mojacho (1962)
Rest at Ease, Mother (1961)
The Housemaid (1960)
Defiance of a Teenager (1959)
The Tears (1958)
The First Snow (1958)
A Mother's Love (1958)
The Twilight Train (1957)


Ahn Sung Ki2012 48th Baeksang Arts Awards: Best Actor (Unbowed)
2006 Grand Bell Awards: Best Actor (Radio Star)
2006 Blue Dragon Film Awards: Best Actor with Park Joong Hoon (Radio Star)
2001 Blue Dragon Film Awards: Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Musa)
1996 Korean Association of Film Critics Awards: Best Actor (Festival)
1995 Korean Association of Film Critics Awards: Best Actor (The Eternal Empire)
1993 Grand Bell Awards: Best Actor with Park Joong Hoon (Two Cops)
1992 Asia Pacific Film Festival: Best Actor (White Badge)
1991 Baeksang Arts Awards: Best Actor (Who Saw the Dragon's Toenails)
1990 Chunsa Film Art Awards: Best Actor (North Korean Partisan in South Korea)
1988 Baeksang Arts Awards: Best Actor (The Age of Success)
1987 Asia Pacific Film Festival: Best Actor (Our Sweet Days of Youth)
1984 Grand Bell Awards: Best Actor (Deep Blue Night)
1984 Baeksang Arts Awards: Best Actor (Deep Blue Night)
1984 Korean Awards of Play, Film and Art: Best Actor (Deep Blue Night)
1983 Baeksang Arts Awards: Best Actor (Flower on the Equator)
1982 Grand Bell Awards: Best Actor (The Misty Village)
1982 Baeksang Arts Awards: Best Actor (The Misty Village)
1982 Korean Association of Film Critics Awards: Best Actor (The Misty Village)
1982 Grand Bell Awards: Best Actor (Man of Iron)
1981 Korean Awards of Play, Film and Art: Best Actor (Mandala)
1980 Grand Bell Awards: Best New Actor (A Fine, Windy Day)
1959 San Francisco International Film Festival: Golden Special award for child actor (Defiance of a Teenager)
Перевод: NightFlower
Над материалом работали
Кегли: Korean Actors
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